4 – part young adult virtual SERIES

As the current climate will not allow us to be together how we planned... Let's gather in a new and connective way!

Join the Fellowship team, Becca Heisler and Sasha Hippard, for a 4-part series where we will offer a few of our favorite classes from the Fellowship. Though we cannot meet on the farm this summer, we still get the chance to learn and make some magic together.

We’ll meet every Thursday, May 21 – June 11.


“ This Fellowship changed my life. It gave me the tools to better understand myself, to make change in the world, and to create the life I want to live. ”

Becca Kagan, Summer 2016


Join us for all four classes, or pick and choose whatever strikes your fancy! Accessible to learners with all levels of Jewish and agricultural knowledge. These programs will take place over Zoom.

Jewish Agricultural Traditions: Ancient Roots & Modern Applications

May 21 | 5:00 – 6:30 PM PST

Through discussion and text study, we will give an overview of Jewish agricultural practices, from their ancient roots to their modern application, helping us understand the kind of society these practices were intended to create.

Hitbodedut: A Jewish Practice for Connecting to Place

MAY 28 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM PST * 

* This class is earlier due to the holiday of Shavuot

means making oneself alone. This practice was popularized by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, a forefather of the Hasidic movement, and his students. He taught that this was a practice of our ancestors, and that the best place for hitbodedut is in the forests or fields.

During this time of shelter-in-place, we’ll explore together the question of what it means to connect to a place. We’ll learn tools and practices for awareness, intention, and curiosity.

Sharing Circle & Resource Share

JUNE 4 | 5:00 – 6:00 PM PST

Our hearts are full of mourning for the loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Iyanna Dior and countless other Black lives at the hands of white supremacy and the police. With the intention of activating our minds and feet towards action, we want to share with you a modification to this scheduled program, based on the urgency of the moment:

Judaism is abundant with rituals and resources to deepen our spirit and connection to ourselves, our communities, and our truth. Jewish tradition encourages rest as a holy time to reorient ourselves to the divine.

  • What does it mean, to practice this restfulness when our country is facing unrest?

We will start with a few simple questions:

  • What is the role of rest in your life? 
  • How can we activate this time to best serve ourselves and our community? 

Then, we will open up the floor for a listening circle. All participants will be given time to share what they feel called to share — the challenging, the emotional, the inspired, and the truth. 

* Please note, we will not be recording this session and registration will come with a password to access the virtual room.

Farming From Home!

JUNE 11 | 5:00 – 6:30 PM PST

The Farm might be closed to visitors these days, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn some fundamentals from home! Whether you live in an apartment, house, or houseboat, you will learn skills to support growing your own food and reusing kitchen waste.

In this class we will cover:

  • Planting from seed
  • Planting from food scraps
  • How to use food scraps to support nutritious and healthy soil
  • The making of rich and tasty vegan broth (bonus)

Register for the entire 4 – part series below!